

Jordan Robins

Award-Winning Ocean Wildlife and Ocean Art Photographer—Jordan captures the symphony of the sea in every frame.

Hailing from the picturesque region of Jervis Bay in southern NSW, Australia, Jordan Robins has always been lured by the majesty of the ocean. Not just a self-taught ocean wildlife and art photographer, Jordan has infused his scientific background into his artistic pursuit, creating a harmonious blend of aesthetics and awareness. A devoted surfer, diver, and angler, Jordan's lifelong affinity for marine environments is palpable in each photograph. This connection took form in his globally recognised "Over/Under" photography—a technique that melds the terrestrial and marine worlds into a single captivating frame.

Jordan's commitment to capturing the ocean's grandeur has not gone unnoticed. He's been awarded Australian Photography Magazine’s Photographer of the Year in 2017, and his work has graced the platforms of Australian Geographic Magazine and even National Geographic online. Through his lens, he promotes awareness of marine environments' fragility and inspires a deep-seated respect for their preservation. For Jordan, the ocean is not just a subject; it's a partner in storytelling, a catalyst for change. With each snap, he hopes to engender a lasting appreciation for the ocean, so future generations may revel in its wonders just as he does.

Jordan Robins

Jordan Robins

Ocean photographer

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"I will often use strobes to light below the water to create high contrast scenes to combine the ocean world and terrestrial world together as one."

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Jordan Robins

Why We Love

Jordan Robins

Jordan Robins

“My dream is to one day open up my own ocean art gallery on the south coast to share with everyone the beauty of the underwater world.”

Jordan Robins


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